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Ainsworth Lord Estates

Ainsworth Lord Estates
49 Market Street
Darwen, Lancashire

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Would you like to know how we'll get you the HIGHEST PRICE for your property in the SHORTEST POSSIBLE TIME?

Ainsworth Lord Estates is not just an ordinary sales and letting agent; we pride ourselves on thinking outside of the box to deliver an exceptional turnaround for our clients.

Contact us for a FREE market appraisal and we'll be delighted to explain how our unique methods can work for you.

We're nothing like any other agent. Our commitment is second to none and you can rest assured no other agent is as passionate about getting your house sold as we are.

That's why we're the only agent in the area that's open 6 days a week, and open til 7pm on Wednesdays - after all we have to be available when your buyer isn't at work!

Our professional viewers will do all your viewings for you - no problem!

Even if you just want a second opinion... we're here for you. 

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Estate Agents in Darwen

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