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Woodcock & Son - Ipswich

Woodcock & Son - Ipswich
16 Arcade Street
Ipswich, Suffolk

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Established in 1850 we are still an independently owned and managed fifth generation family firm specialising in the sale of period and country properties. We offer a caring and personal service to clients and buyers alike, specialising in the sales of classic homes in Ipswich, as well as period and country property, smallholdings and equestrian properties throughout the region.

We look forward to being of assistance and service to you should you be considering a move in the near future. On this site, our property listings are available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year from the comfort of your own home.


'Following on from our recent correspondence.
I would just like to say that the service we have received so far from your good self at netanagent.com has been first class , very helpfull and prompt.'


Richard Bramley

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Estate Agents in Ipswich

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